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About Us

A Brief History

In 1957, Miss Ruth Klein placed an ad in the Hamburg news to see if there was interest in starting a new Lutheran church in the area and a steering committee was formed.  On May 4, 1958, in the Armor Fire Hall, 62 people gathered for Christian worship.

Ruth Klein, Adeline Mertzlufft, Richard Stephan, S. Dewey Kiesling, Albin Specht and later Cliff and Annabelle Scharf founded the Christian family to be named All Saints.  Services were held in a small storefront on Pine Street in Hamburg.  A Sunday School, started in 1958, met in the Stephan's home.  In 1961, the church moved to the Oddfellow Hall on Buffalo Street

On April 9, 1961, the mission, having met the criteria, was formally accepted into the United Lutheran Church of America.

Under the leadership of Pastor Harold Geiss, the mission grew.  In October 1966, the family of All Saints dedicated a permanent house of worship on South Park Avene, just north of the village of Hamburg.  Pastor Geiss resigned to become an Air Force Chaplain in the same year.  Under the pastoral leadership of Revered Ron Meyer, All Saints focused on programs for the young people of the church.

In 1972, Pastor Paul Mertzlufft accepted a call to the church.  After becomming financially stable, largely due to a stewardship program started in 1975, which emphasizes proportionate giving, All Saints built a new sanctuary and additional office space in 1986.

Over the years, All Saints has been dedicated to many Christian needs in the church and the community including:  a food pantry, Christian education, social ministry, evangelism, men's, women's and youth groups.  All Saints also supports overseas missionaries, the Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center, The Lutheran Church Home and the local Girl Scouts.

Other important dates on our timeline:

1962 - The first of three capital fund drives begun for the first building unit.

1964 - Building Committee formed to draw up Master Plan.

1965 - Master Plan and First Unit Plan neared completion.

1966 - May - Groundbreaking.

1966 - October - Dedication of First Unit.

1974 - The Food Pantry ministry begun.

1975 - "Challenge 75" Annual stewardship and Reaffirmation Program begun.

1977 - Became self-supporting by paying off mortgage held by Board of American Missions.

1982 - New Building Study Committee Appointed.

1983 - "Step in Faith" building Fund Campaign.

1985 - Groundbreaking for new building.

1986 - Sanctuary and office wing dedicated.

1987 - Stained Glass windows dedicated.

1989 - Long Range Planning Committee established.

1990 - Mission 90 decade of renewal:  "The Next Step in Faith" Shrink the Mortage Fund Campaign.

1991 - Bond Program to retire the mortgage.

1992 - Sunday School room improvement.

1993 - Kitchen renovation.

1994 - New sign erected.

2001 - Pastor Mertzlufft retires after 29 years at All Saints, named Pastor Emeritus.

2007 - Pastor David Menz accepts a call to All Saints.

Our Pastor:
David Menz



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All Saints Lutheran Church



6065 South Park Avenue

Hamburg, NY 14075

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